How and Where
Do you want to play?
Email pickleball@ssothg.org to express interest in joining. The pickleball coordinator will let you know how you can participate.
-You must know how to score.
-You must have played some matches to develop basic skills and strategies.
-We recommend that you take an ‘Intro to Pickleball’ or ‘Never-Ever’ lesson.
What you need to bring: (Indoors)
-a racket
-a pickleball (check with the group to see which style the group is using)
-a visor or cap and/or sunglasses if the bright lights are bothersome
-safety goggles
- layered clothing
OTHG Pickleball 2023
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-3:00 at Steamboat Tennis and Pickleball Center
How you can participate:
There are no drop-ins for Pickleball. Players must be signed up to play. There are 3 participation options.
Full-time Regular
Full - time regulars have the first option to sign up for pickleball play dates and times. Full-Time regulars will be charged at a rate of approximately $5/session for all of the sessions whether they play or not. Sign-Ups occur a few times a year and are dictated by the Center. Full-Time regulars are not obligated to play a certain number of dates. Whenever a regular is not signed up to play, slots are opened to subs to play in the vacant slot.
1/2-time Regular:
1/2 - time regulars have the second option to sign up for pickleball play dates and times. 1/2-Time regulars will be charged at a rate of approximately $5/session for 1/2 of the sessions whether they play or not. Sign-Ups occur a few times a year and are dictated by the Center. 1/2-Time regulars are not obligated to play a certain number of dates, but are limited to ½ the sessions during initial sign up. 1/2-Time regulars usually play on either Tuesday or Thursday, but not always the case. ½-Time regulars have the option to sign for additional vacant dates after all full and ½ time regulars have done their initial sign up.
Subs may sign up to fill in vacant slots left by Regulars and do not get charged any fee by the Center. Subs are invited to contribute $5 when they play (voluntary), which is added to the kitty for purchasing new balls.
If you are interested in playing, please contact Kelly at pickleball@ssothg.org
To play with this group, you must be scheduled ahead of time. Please do not ‘drop in’ expecting to play.